
Commission samples and prices below.
Make sure to read my Terms of Service before commissioning me!
Currently accepting PayPal, and Square

Available Commissions

Click on the buttons to be taken to their corresponding sections, or click on the images to see the price sheets!

Limited Time Commissions

Commissions that will be around for a short time.
Don't worry! Some of these may come back again!

Character Art


• Simple Shapes: +$10
• Seamless Pattern: +$20
• Simple Scene: +$30
• Complex Scene +$40
Additional Characters: +80%
NSFW Upcharge (+18): +60%
Edit into Sticker/Emote: +20%
Additional Revisions: +20%
Vary by animation length and complexity
* Complex designs are subject to upcharges at my discretion

Emotes And Stickers

Collection of stickers for a Telegram sticker pack, featuring multiple furry characters in different poses; a pangolin-porcupine hybrid with dreads and green tipped quills, a blue and red puerto rican woodpecker with a flower hairstyle, a grey songbird wit

Each design $45
• 3-Pack $120
• 5-Pack $200
• 8-Pack $320
• Additional YCH blob: +20 per design
• Additional full Character: +30 per design
• Animations: +30 per design
• NSFW Upcharge +50% (YOU MUST BE +18, Verification may be required)
• Edit from Sticker to Emote, or vise versa, or alt versions: +15 per design

Chibi Characters

Headshot $40
Halfbody $50
Fullbody $70
• CelShading +$30
• Soft Shading +$40
• Simple Shapes $10
• Patterns $20
• Simple Scene $30
• Complex Scene $40
Animations will be charged depending on length and complexity* Complex designs may have additional charges at my discretion

Reference Sheets

Base price $160 includes:

Basic Character SheetBasic Outfit SheetBasic Expression Sheet
Full body view3 outfits with simplified fullbody6 different expressions
Color and pattern guideColor and pattern guideColor and pattern guide
Name, pronouns, species/nationality and/or genderName, pronouns, species/nationality and/or genderName, pronouns, species/nationality and/or gender

Additions:• Full Body Angles:
+80 back or side view
+100 two angles
• Face Closeup
+40 one view
+20 extra views
• Elaborate pattern Guide
+ 25 one side
+ 40 back and front
• Expressions
+ 60 for minimum of 3
+ 25 additional expressions

• Alt Forms
+ 30 for recolored fullbody (no redrawing)
+80 full alt body/species
• Accessories/Items
+ 30 for two items
+ 30 per additional item
• Artistic Nameplate $15• Bio:+$10 per 5 facts or one paragraph• Clothing Ref
+ 25 per outfit without fullbody
+ 40 per outfit chibi body
+80 per outfit full body

PNG Tuber

Prices shown below are for flat colored, static pngs.
Includes an image for the silent state, and an image for the speaking state.

• Headshot $90
• Halfbody $150
• Fullbody $240
• Celshaded: +10
• Softshaded: +25
• Unshaded: +10 per frame
• Celshaded: +20 per frame
• Softshaded: +30 per frame
Other Extras
Additional Characters: +80%
Other poses/states (Idle, off-camera, etc): +80%
NSFW(+18): +60% (remember many streaming platforms don't allow NSFW)
Prices are subject to change based on rush or complexity.

Interested? Fill out a form or feel free to contact me for any questions!

You can also find me on Discord as @nicooriia

Find me as @nicooriia on most social media!

© Nicooriia 2023. All rights reserved.